Justine Small
Transition Teacher, Howard Springs Primary School
November, 2015
"Daniella is able to come into the classroom and run even the most difficult of classes with all students involved, focussed and learning. She is a star!"
Helen Dickson
Preschool Teacher, Howard Springs Primary School
November, 2015
"It was an invaluable experience for me, especially as the sessions were conducted with the whole class rather than just with individual children. I loved this approach as it also provided me with more 'tools' with which to enhance my teaching and so improve the outcomes for the children in my classes. You were also very approachable and made time to talk to parents and other staff which was well received by everyone involved."
Graham Chadwick
Principal, Nightcliff Primary School
November, 2015
"Thanks Daniella, I have had nothing but positive feedback in regard to your work with our students and teachers. The work that you do is so important in how we as a school can improve student language development and how this translates to language acquisition shown by our students based on your delivery. We are certainly disappointed you will not be with us next year, travelling though seems to be an exciting alternative. Best wishes and thanks once again for your fantastic support of our school and learning programs."
Elspeth Hurse
Assistant Principal, Milner Primary School
November, 2015
"The strength of the program was in the practical delivery in a real setting with real students. The scope to be able to choose my own learning journey as an educator, meant that I could both learn and apply the skills and knowledge in a meaningful way. The collaborative nature of the program also meant that it was exploring ways of teaching appropriate to different students and contexts in which the expertise of all participants was valued. It is one of the few opportunities where I did not have to churn through what I already knew but rather was able to take my work to new levels through a partnership of shared professional knowledge and practice."
Gail Smith
Principal, Rosebery Primary School
November, 2015
"Daniella is very easy to listen to and learn from as she has practical examples and ideas that work and can be used immediately."
Debra Witte
Transition Teacher, Nightcliff Primary School
November, 2015
"Daniella provided invaluable professional development to early years teachers through practical demonstrations of hands-on, fun and easy-to-replicate oral language lessons. Her website includes a wealth of resources to use in the classroom."
Jasmine Murdoch
Transition Teacher, Driver Primary School
November, 2015
"Daniella teaches useful games and fun activities that the children always find engaging. I have gained valuable insight into further teaching phonological awareness, speech sounds and sentence structure."
Helen Cleanthous
Transition Teacher, Nightcliff Primary School
November, 2015
"Daniella motivated my students and they loved having her play speech games with them. I sincerely believe that this program helped my class make such amazing progress in reading and writing. They are all very aware of words in sentences and can tell me the position of sounds. I was especially impressed with the progress of the children who had speech difficulties."
Early Years Teacher
November, 2015
"An excellent program giving lots of ideas."
Tim Morgan
Principal, Karama Primary School
September, 2014
“Thanks for all the great work over your time here. I have, as you are aware witnessed some of this work but have been suitably impressed with the effort and delivery. I truly believe that through this our teachers have grown professionally and this will transpire across to their students.”
"Dear miss Daniella, I really like the game Vouls and Verbs. Because I liked lerning my vouls and my verbs. Because I think it is good education Whyle beaning fun. I like all of the games But I like vouls and verbs the Best. If I cood think of any other games that I like I would right then down on this peace of paper. from..."
"Dear Mrs daniella, I love it how we do the fun games and when we play all the games that you had planed and when i play I really feel proud even when i don't like the game. From... Rm3"
"Dear Miss Daniella, I will Miss you. I like all your games. your the best game teacher. I have had. love from...
- What's the time Mr. Wolf
- Vouls and verbs
- What's the word Mr wolf
I love you Miss Daniella"
"To Mrs Daneilla, I Licked the games Very much."
"to Mrs Daniella
I lick how you teach us NeW thiNg's. FroM..."